Crown Restoration

As human beings, we make mistakes. Sometimes it’s due to an error in judgment, while other times it’s due to incomplete or faulty information. For example, back in the old days, everybody “knew” that tree topping was fine. According to a definition by the International Society of Arboriculture, “topping is the indiscriminate cutting back of tree branches to stubs or lateral branches that are not large enough to assume the terminal role.”

So why is topping a problem? First, a good rule of thumb with tree pruning is to not remove more than a third of a tree’s crown. Topping removes so much that it can temporarily cut off a tree’s ability to make food. Also, the branches that grow out following topping aren’t attached as strongly as branches that develop naturally. If rot is happening at the severed end of a limb, it can create even more problems.

That’s the bad news, but here’s the good news. If you had tree topping done not so long ago, steps can be taken with crown restoration. In this process, arborists will locate strong twigs in the crown of the tree that evenly covers the canopy. They will perform precision trimming to incentivize the growth of these twigs into branches. Over a period of years, the branches will grow and restore the tree to it’s former glory.

With over a decade of combined experience and extensive training in the arboreal arts, contact the professionals at Ocean Tree Care. We can establish a smart long-term plan to help crown restoration happen effectively.

For more information or to schedule a tree service, Contact Us today!


Let’s Get Started

Don’t let cost deter you. Tree pruning starts at $79 depending on the size and type of tree, how sick or bug ridden it is and how many trees or other services you require.